FIRs are...
- A flexible development model, created by and for Francophone and Acadian communities, and adapted to their realities in each province and territory;
- A gathering point for all stakeholders representing a variety of sectors who have a role to play in the recruitment, reception, settlement and integration of newcomers;
- Recognized by the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship as essential partners in supporting the Government of Canada's efforts to achieve its Francophone immigration objectives
In concrete terms, the RIFs ...
- Ensure consultation and promote partnerships with stakeholders from different sectors (community, private, parapublic and the three levels of government);
- Identify the needs of newcomers as well as the gaps and assets of the community according to the different stages of the immigration continuum;
- Develop, with the entire community, Francophone immigration plans that respond to the needs identified and guide the national priorities for Francophone immigration;
- Raise awareness, mobilize and support communities and partners in the implementation of Francophone immigration plans;
- In addition, in collaboration with the FCFA and many other partners, the RIFs coordinate various awareness and mobilization initiatives, including the Semaine nationale de l'immigration francophone and liaison tours to inform employers about the opportunities and benefits of recruiting and hiring French-speaking immigrants.
At the national level, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne (FCFA) du Canada coordinates the RIFs, both to support them in achieving tangible results and as partners in the strategy to foster immigration to CFAs across the country.